Export - custom export paths for downloadable emails

We understand our clients use Dokio differently. Some clients send emails directly from Dokio and others download email files to send through a third party application or service.

For those clients who send emails out through a third-party service, ensuring all the asset links within the output HTML are correct can be a bit of a challenge if not handled by the third party. In some cases, they all need to be manually recorded.

Dokio comes to the party with a new export option that will allow users to export a downloadable email with a specific URL path for assets that reflect where they will be hosted by the third party. This will save countless hours of headaches and manual coding to adjust.

When added to a template, it will become another export option that can be selected at export.


Your downloaded email from Dokio normally has images contained within an ‘images' folder…

Your email needs to be sent via a third party, which will host files within their own campaign tracking system. Their asset path will end up looking something like this…

In this case, within Dokio you will be able to specify the custom export path to the following and it will be automatically appended to all asset paths within the HTML…

If you wish to utilise this feature, please speak to your Dokio Account Manager, as it will need to be added to your relevant template/s.
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