Admin Users

If you're an Admin User, you'll have access to an additional set of unique tools to help you manage your hub.

First, let's introduce you the Admin Sections, with an introduction to what each space does:

Read more on what's in each section

Here is where you can add and manage the templates in your hub. From accessing template settings, scheduling it into campaigns and organising it by categories or tags, you’ll be able to access the different sections from the submenu.


Here is where you can add and manage the templates in your hub. From accessing template settings, scheduling it into campaigns and organising it by categories or tags, you’ll be able to access the different sections from the submenu.


This section is related to a draft’s export process. Here you can manage any approval workflows or export checklists that’s been set up in your hub.


Needing to access copydecks, copydeck categories or contact stencils? All will be found in this section of the admin area.


All things relating to ordering such as creating and editing suppliers, budgets and price list will be located in this section.


Here you’ll be able to generate reports on artworks, users, templates and suppliers.


This where you can manage user accounts, edit user groups and access levels. Creating and editing announcements and user agreements for the hub are also located in this area.

Hub management

Editing billing groups, accessing user activities and sessions will be in this section.

The submenu sections will vary between admin users in accordance with their hubs and their access level setups.

Further Admin how-to learnings

Want to know more about how to use Dokio from an admin perspective? Click on the links below to learn more:

For Administrators

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