Delete an announcement

From time to time, you will need to remove older announcements that no longer have relevance. 



Open Dokio and select 'Admin' from the top menu


Select 'Users' from the dropdown list


Select 'Announcements' from the submenuandit will take you to the announcement page


Look for the announcement you want to edit and from the action menu (3 dots) on the right-hand side, click and select 'Delete'


Dokio will then prompt you to check that you are sure that you would like to delete your announcement, select 'Ok'


Dokio will then notify you that the announcement has now been deleted. Users will no longer see this announcement on their dashboards.

If you chose to add a link into your announcement Dokio will make the entire window and announcement. If you'd like the text to be separate to the actual announcement itself. We recommend creating two announcements. One with the message and a separate one with the clickable link. 

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