Announcement enhancements

We have received feedback from numerous clients saying how good it would be to alert users to specific template sets or items within Dokio as a bit of a feature. We thought this was a great idea too, but wondered how we could make it a bit more flexible and multi-functional.

By adding more functionality to our current Announcements feature, we felt that clients can easily showcase a set of templates with a featured image, or send out a low key message to a few users. They can even be scheduled to display when needed and turned off when expired. The power is in your hands.

For more information on how to create and manage announcements, see here:

Here is a rundown of some of the new enhancements to Announcements…

To title or not to title?

You can now add an optional title to your announcement. Handy for more feature-type announcements, the title will appear above the message in a larger font style.

Add a feature image

To help add more visual impact, you can also add an optional feature image to your announcement. Simply upload a jpg or png when editing the announcement and that image will display to the right of the announcement message.

This will be useful when highlighting new campaigns or offers where there are key visuals that will help reinforce the message.

Optional timestamping

We’ve noticed some users manually adding dates into their messages, so we thought we would make that a built-in part of the announcements feature that is also optional. The timestamp feature will display the date that the message went live to users. By default, they are on but can be turned off when editing the announcement.

More formatting options

Announcements can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Some may be featured items or important information, whilst others will be low key. To help create those differentiations, we’ve added rich text formatting options into the message area. The following formatting options are available:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • URL
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • Bulleted list
  • Numbered list

Importantly with this addition, we have also removed the old ability to add a clickthrough URL for a message. Replacing this now is the URL button in the rich text field. So where you could only add one URL previously for the entire message, you can now add multiple URLs as you require.

Schedule your announcement

Announcements have always been an instantly-live feature, which was great for getting a message out quickly to users. Feedback from our users told us that there was also a strong need to create an announcement to go live sometime in the future. Likewise, being able to specify when an announcement turns off was a much-needed feature.

So we’ve now added a scheduling feature to Announcements to help make things easier for our users. Announcements can now truly be a set and forget-thing. Message can now be either set live immediately or scheduled to go live and/or switch off on a certain date. So now you can spend your time being more productive!

Quick edit

If you have permission to manage Announcements, you will also see a new action menu appearing in the top-right corner of the dashboard announcement. Clicking here and selecting Edit, will take you directly to that Announcement and allow you to edit. 

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