Admin Section - Ordering


The Suppliers sub-menu allows you to see all of the available suppliers and their contact email address. From this menu, you are able to create new suppliers or edit existing ones.

Supplier types

Supplier types are useful if you have more than one supplier set in your hub, as they allow you to define the different types of supplier output available on your hub. For example, your hub might have one or more suppliers for print, but a different one for ordering merchandise. In this instance, you might set two supplier types - 'Print' and 'Merchandise order'. Each supplier type then becomes a selectable option on each user profile to choose a specific (probably local) supplier for, which is automatically applied at export. You are able to add/remove new suppliers types in here and change their order. You can also set a default supplier for each supplier type to be automatically applied when creating new users.


The Budget sub-menu allows you to keep track of your allocated budgets. From here you can create new budgets, naming them according to your business model and billing codes, you can section which Users receive a notification email on Budgets and also suspend budgets. 


The Pricelist menu enables you to list all of the items that can be ordered via Dokio and set a price per each line item which is commonly used to detail the pricing for the volume of units that you would like to order. 

Pricelist collections

Pricelist collections are useful for resizable templates as they allow you to group pricelists together for various sized artworks, and Dokio will automatically select the correct one at export based on the size and page count of the artwork at export. Note: Pricelist collections require individual pricelists to be set up first, so they can be selected within the collection/s.

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