Admin Section - Reports
Within the Hub admin section, you are able to run reports that will allow you to see the various user activity across Dokio. Depending on how your hub is set up you will be able to create reports on artworks created, users, templates / presets used, supplier orders and emails sent within Dokio. All reports will export as a CSV file, which can be viewed in any spreadsheet.
Below is a brief summary about each reporting type available to admin users.
Artwork reports give a list of all artworks created within a given date range. Each artwork report can be generated with the option of filtering by template, preset, category and/or user group.
Specifics about each artwork will be detailed in this report, including things like:
- ID
- Artwork name
- Template / Preset name
- Artwork type
- Order details (if relevant)
- User and creation details
- Total variations
- plus more
User reports give a list of all users in your hub. Each user report can be generated with the option of filtering by user group.
Specifics about each user will be detailed in this report, including things like:
- Name and email
- Account status
- Access level
- Creation date
- Last activity
- User group/s
- Billing group
- Supplier details
- Particulars data
- plus more
Template reports give a list of all template activity in your hub within a given date range. Each template report can be generated with the option of filtering by template type or category. There is also an option to include template presets, which is on by default.
Specifics about each template will be detailed in this report. These details will vary between the selected template type, but will include things like:
- ID
- Template name
- Template type
- Current status
- User groups
- Categories
- Total artworks created
- Total variations
- plus more
(each template type selected will also give specifics about that template)
Supplier reports give a list of all orders to a particular supplier in your hub within a given date range.
Specifics about each order will be detailed in this report, including things like:
- Order ID
- Order date and time
- Order status
- Creator
- Billing code
- Order cost
- Order qty
- Order details
- plus more
Email sends
Email send reports give a list of all template activity in your hub within a given date range. Each email send report can be generated with the option of filtering by template/preset or user group. There is also an option to filter out emails sent to self.
Specifics about each send will be detailed in this report, including things like:
- ID
- Artwork name
- Template / Preset name
- Sender name and email
- Send date and time
- Recipient name and email
- Event type
- Event date and time
- IP address
- Bounce details
- plus more