Email send reports

Admins who have access to Reporting, can also be given access to run reports on email sends on email artworks generated from specific template/s.

Dokio also has the ability to run email send reports on a single artwork, which displays a detailed report on the email events from that particular send. That feature is available to anyone who can see the completed items.

This Email send report feature allows the admin user to run the report on multiple sends at one time and have the results published into a single CSV report. This will make it much easier to report on the success of multiple email campaign sends over a particular period, or from a selection of users (or both).

Accessing email send reports

Admin users who have access to Reporting and the specific Email Send Report permission will see Email sends report appear at the bottom of the report types on the Reports page in the Admin section.

Filtering options

When generating a report, you can specify:

  • which originating template/s to run artwork reporting on (Please note: this will report on the artworks generated from the specified templates)
  • the date range for reporting period
  • user group/s to filter users
  • whether to filter out copies to self
Reports are limited to 50,000 rows of data. We recommend keeping this in mind when setting filtering options to make them as specific as possible.

What is reported on?

There are many things that are reported on in this report. For that reason, email send reports are limited to 50,000 email events. Each event to a recipient (open, click, bounce etc) is listed as a separate row in the report. The columns in the report are as follows:

  • Artwork ID The Dokio ID of the completed artwork that was sent from Dokio. This data is useful to track each action from a single email send as they will share the same artwork ID
  • Artwork name The name of the artwork
  • User name The user who created the artwork
  • User email The email address of the user who created the artwork
  • Template ID The Dokio ID of the template that the artwork was created from. This data is useful if you have selected multiple templates to report from.
  • Template name The name of the template that the artwork was created from
  • Sender name The name that was set as the sender at export
  • Sender email The email address that was set as the sender at export
  • Sent date/time The date and time when the email was sent from Dokio
  • Message ID The message id assigned when sending the email
  • Recipient name The name of the recipient (if supplied)
  • Recipient email The email address of the recipient
  • Event
    • delivery
    • open
    • click
    • bounce
  • Event timestamp The timestamp of when the email event occurred
  • SMTP response Relates to delivery event only. This is the response sent from the SMTP server
  • Reporting MTA The server address reporting the event. Relates mainly to delivery and bounce events
  • User agent Specifics about the recipient’s setup - eg email client, system OS etc
  • IP address The IP address of the recipient triggering the event
  • Clicked link The hyperlink url that was clicked in a click event
  • Bounce type If the event was a bounce, this advises the type of bounce that occurred
  • Bounce diagnosis If the event was a bounce, this advises the diagnosis of the bounce
  • Bounce action If the event was a bounce, this advises the action of the bounce
  • Bounce status If the event was a bounce, this advises the status of the bounce
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