Artwork duplication alerts
So here is the scenario… you need to create a new draft from an old completed artwork, but the template that created the original artwork has since been updated and had some modules removed… yep, that old chestnut!
Typically this would have previously resulted in an error and you would be forced to create a new draft from scratch – not the most ideal outcome if you are trying to save time.
To help resolve this issue we’ve made some tweaks to the system to allow you to still create the draft, but on the understanding that some of the content may have changed from the original artwork you created from. This is to ensure that the content you create from Dokio is always current and up-to-date.
So now when this scenario occurs, you will be presented with an alert similar to the example below. The alert will advise that some changes have changed occurred and will give you a rundown of those changes so you are aware of them and can review the resulting draft and make the necessary changes.
Example alert if changes to the original template have occurred: