Create an announcement

Announcements are a great way to mass communicate with the teams using Dokio. The announcement banner will appear at the top of every user's login on their dashboard. When using this feature you can also tailor your announcements to different user group audiences.

Only users with Admin rights can create announcements 



Open Dokio and select 'Admin' from the top menu


Select 'Users' from its dropdown list


Then select 'Announcements' from the submenu


Click the 'Create new announcement +' button to proceed to the message area


From here you are able to:

  • add an optional title to your announcement. Useful if you want to make more of a feature message. in your announcements into the message field
  • add an optional timestamp to your message. This will tell your users when the message was published. Toggle the checkbox to turn this on/off
  • type your message into the message field. You will be presented with some formatting options if you wish to add some additional basic styling
  • use the URL formatting button to add a link to your message. You may wish to add multiple if you like. Note that this feature replaces the previous clickthrough URL field that made the entire message clickable
  • upload an optional feature image that will appear on the right-hand side of the announcement panel
  • select which user groups should see your message
  • set a 'Priority' levels to announcements you make (higher priority items will be stacked on top of current and existing announcements).

Once your content is entered correctly, proceed to 'Create announcement' and Dokio will publish your announcement to the Dashboard.

TIP: you can quickly and easily edit an announcement by clicking on the action menu (3 dots) on the actual announcement (if you have correct permissions) and selecting Edit.

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