Apply Contacts to Hubs

Follow the steps below to create a contact form for users to fill out and to activate ‘Contacts’ in your hub.

Only Admin users with the ability to edit Contact stencils can perform the following steps. Otherwise, please reach out to your Account manager regarding this setup.



Select 'Admin' from the top menu


Select the 'Content' from its dropdown


Select 'Contact Stencils' from the submenu


Click 'Create new stencil +'


Name the stencil and select 'Add field.'

IMPORTANT  - Do not name your added fields Contact Name or Email Address as these fields are pre-set to be the first two items in the contact form.


Add a field name accordingly or to the client’s request. Leave field type as 'Text'. You may add instructions for users about the filed if necessary 


You may add more fields as needed


Once all required fields are added, click 'Create contact stencil'.

When a contact stencil has been created, the Contacts menu item will appear in the top menu. Users who have an access level to ‘Modify contacts’ will be able to view and add contacts to the list(s).
If you wish to have more than one contact stencil, follow steps 4 - 8 again to create another. Adding multiple contact stencils allows for added contacts to be saved in a group if needed. The contact list will be selectable upon adding a contact. See Adding contacts for more details.
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