Send an EDM direct from Dokio

Below are instructions for sending email campaigns directly from Dokio after your EDM has been exported. If your sender email address is yet to be verified, please follow the steps from 'How to Verify Sender Email Address' before proceeding. 



Check the Sender name, and Sender email address is correct.
Click 'Select recipients >' to continue


You can find the recipients by Searching or Looking through the list window and select names and email addresses, Or scroll down to add recipients by typing or paste email addresses in the text box. Once you're happy with your selection or have added email addresses manually, click 'Review and Confirm'to proceed


Check the details on the 'Sending options' section of the page. You can go back and review the Sender's details and Recipients on the 'Export stages' section. Click 'Prepare for send' to continue


Give your EDM one final review. You can scroll up and down the preview page to check if you're satisfied with all the information, then click 'Send now'


After sending the EDM to the recipients, the 'Email dispatch' page will be shown. Here you can 'Generate a report' or 'Create a new draft' of the artwork for you to use on another email campaign.

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