Reporting improvements

We have made a few updates to reports based on feedback from users to make them a bit more functional and easier to use.

Snappier generation of reports

The first update we have made is some enhancements and cleanup of the reporting code to help make them run faster and more efficiently.

Faster selection of options

In all reports, when selecting things like user groups and/or categories (when available) to generate reports, the option to select all is now available to assist with selecting from larger lists of options a much faster process instead of having to manually check each option individually.

More refined artwork reports

Previously, running an artwork report meant generating a report of all artworks within a given date period. In some cases, this produced a report that had more data than was necessary and contributed to longer generation times.

We’ve now added the ability to select from categories as well as user groups to help drill down and make more refined, specific reports that contain the most useful data.

More informative template reports

Creation dates and versioning

To help users better understand template longevity and evolution, we have added data to template reports around:

  • when the template was created
  • current version number of template

Both of these stats will help clients track template age and subsequent usage over that time much easier.

Selectable date range

When generating a template report, you can now select a specific date range to report on. This date range tells Dokio to look at when all artworks were created from that particular template. By default, the date range is set from the earliest date to the latest date possible to capture template usage overall time.

Total artworks vs date range

Within the template report, you will see two columns:

  • Total artworks (all time)
    Regardless of date range selected, this column will tell you the total amount of artworks created from this particular template since the template was first created.
  • Total artworks (date range)
    As a comparison, this column will tell you the total amount of artworks created from this particular template within the date range selected when creating the report.

Artwork count per export type

Depending on the template type, you will see some other columns that drill down artworks within the selected date range, that will break down whether an artwork was Downloaded or Ordered – or in the case of an email, Sent.

'Archive’ templates reports do not feature this as their exports are only downloadable.

Campaign name

Template reports now feature a column called ‘Campaigns’ that reports on what ‘Campaign Schedules’ the template is part of. This, coupled with the date range selector, will assist clients with the high-level reporting of campaigns.

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