Access Levels

Access Levels determine what specific users can and cannot do within Dokio. It is a prescribed set of permissions that can be assigned to a User and a hub can have multiple Access Levels defined depending on requirements. Each Access Level is configured via a set of permissions that can each be turned on or off to govern what users who are assigned that access are allowed to do.

Administrators who have permission to manage access levels are the only people who can create, edit or remove them. At any time, an Access Level can be amended the administrator to immediately grant or revoke permissions from within the list.

Access Levels are then assigned to a User upon creation which can be done by anyone who can manage Users.

What do the permissions mean?

Most of the permissions that can be granted relate to Admin-level features, which enable a user with these permissions to manage (eg add, edit or remove) content and users via the Admin section. These permissions are prefixed with 'Admin' and the relevant section they relate to. This will generally determine whether a user will see the Admin menu or not when navigating Dokio.

Other permissions relate to specific functions related to Artworks, Resources and Sharing. Each of these permissions are prefixed accordingly.

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