Campaign schedule updates

With Campaigns being in the system for some time now, we have received feedback from users and made some improvements to help make them more useful and easier to navigate without having to click into each campaign.

Add only templates that are allowed to be part of a campaign

In order for a template to be able to be part of a campaign, it needs to have the ability switched on in the template settings. This is to ensure that it will use the user group setting specified by the relative campaign/s instead of the ones specified on the template level.

Only templates that have been flagged as being able to be part of a campaign, will display as available to add to campaigns.

Status column

When looking at the Campaigns screen, it’s wasn’t very obvious which campaigns were active, upcoming or completed. Of course you could filter the campaigns, but we felt it would be much easier for users if the campaigns had that data on the overview screen.

So we’ve added that in now, and the statuses can be sorted also.

Date sorting

Similar to the status information, we thought understanding what the start and end dates were without having to click into a campaign would be a useful addition to help users navigate multiple campaigns.

So we have added both a Start date and End date column to the Campaigns overview screen. Likewise, these can also be sorted.

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