Create a draft

In Dokio, every artwork begins as a draft. There are a couple of ways to create a draft artwork:

Creating a draft from the dashboard


Scroll down to the 'View Templates' section


Select the type of template you would like to work with from the list


Give your draft a meaningful title by clicking on the edit pen in the top right side of the frame. This will help you to identify it amongst the other drafts


At this point, you can choose if you would like to edit or simply leave it for next time


Since the draft is auto-saved, to close the editor select ‘Exit editor’ from the top left corner of the page

Creating a draft via the menu


Using the menu on top of the page, select 'Create'


Select the type of template you would like to work with from the list

To narrow down the template options, you can select the category of the template you are looking for and Dokio will only show those kinds of templates. (See the image above )


Give your draft a meaningful title by clicking on the edit pen at the top of the artwork. This will help you to identify it amongst the other drafts


At this point, you can choose if you would like to edit or simply leave it for next time


Since the draft is auto-saved, to close the editor select ‘Exit editor’ from the top left corner of the page

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