Submitting your order to print

Some artwork may need to be printed. To do this, you need to submit a print order.



Your first step is to choose the most appropriate printer for the job from your specified printer list


Your 'order options' is where you can specify the quantity of your order. You'll also see an estimated cost for that quantity, so you’ll know how your order will affect your user group’s budget


Next, enter the order's delivery details (that’s where your order will be sent) in the specified field

If you want to download a PDF of your artwork to review later, select one of the two download options at the bottom of the panel. This will take you to the cart and save your artwork in the drafts section.


Finally, when you're ready to submit the order, click 'Place order'. You'll be taken to the cart where you can review your order one more time. If you're satisfied with all the details, click 'Send'.

What about approvals?

If your artwork requires approval, it will automatically be sent to your approvers. Once your artwork is approved, it is then automatically forwarded to your chosen printer or fulfilment point. If your approver requests changes to the artwork, your artwork will then return to you, with a note of the changes that need to be made. Whatever happens, Dokio will notify you of the outcome.

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