Release Notes: February 2021

Release Notes: 25th February 2021


  • Users in the system are now referred to either ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ for greater consistency within the application.

Release Notes: 24th February 2021

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue with single export options not pre-ticking when duplicating a completed item.
  • We fixed an issue for Windows users where double scroll bars would appear for some screens.

Release Notes: 22nd February 2021

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue where modules would cut off if the content within them was long.

Release Notes: 19th February 2021

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue with supplier types giving an access error.

Release Notes: 16th February 2021

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue where the breakout text editor sometimes wouldn’t open without a refresh.

Release Notes: 15th February 2021

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue with the uploading of general templates to the system.

Release Notes: 11th February 2021

New Feature

More proofing options for emails

Release Notes: 10th February 2021

New Feature

Upload field

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue with duplicating archive drafts.

Release Notes: 9th February 2021

New Feature

MS Internet Explorer upgrade notice

  • As Microsoft Internet Explorer is no longer receiving updates and the gap between it and other browsers is rapidly growing wider, we have introduced targeted messaging in the app to IE users recommending they upgrade their browser to a modern browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue with IE where the bottom page navigation would keep returning the user to the first page.

Release Notes: 3rd February 2021

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue where templates with no active fields had no way of exiting the editor.

Release Notes: 2nd February 2021

New Features

Updated artwork pages

  • Information on completed artwork screen has been consolidated and reorganised to make key information easier to find - for example, order and supplier details, or email send details.

Bug Fix

  • We fixed an issue that restricted how some field defaults were being set
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