Email test sends

We’ve made a few updates to our Test Email Send feature to make them more helpful to users and recipients alike.

Available for sendable emails

Test Send functionality is available on sendable emails as well as downloadable emails. Unless test sending has been specifically deactivated on your hub, they will automatically become available on all sendable emails.

Updated subject line

Upon sending all test emails will have their subject line amended to include ' TEST -' as the prefix. We will also append (From: your-email-address) as the subject suffix. These updates are designed to make it clear for any recipients that they are receiving a test send and not an actual send. It also preserves the overall integrity of the email structure for any third party client testing (eg Litmus).

Maximum 5 email addresses

There is a limit of 5 email address within a single test send. Sending will not be possible if trying to send to more users.

Default email address

When sending a test send, your email address will be the default to save you from having to enter it every time. You can easily change it if you need to enter a different one.

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