Create an approval workflow

Approval workflows control the flow of an approval request chain. Some templates will have the ability to override content or some export options will require an approval to complete the export.

In either case, you can set up approval workflows to specify who the approvers are and how many stages are required.

Tip: When editing an approval workflow there is a list of templates and/or presets at the top of the screen that are using (referencing) the workflow to help you understand what will be impacted by any change you make to the workflow.



Click  Admin in the top menu


Select Workflows from the list of Admin options. You will be taken directly to the Approval workflows section. 


From here you can either edit an existing workflow (if any exist) by clicking on one of the workflows in the list, or you can create a new approval workflow by clicking on the Create new workflow button


Give the workflow a name (required) and a summary (optional)


To add people the the approval workflow, you will need to add a stage first. To do this, click the Add stage button.

You can add multiple stages if required. Each stage represents a step in the approval process. Once an approver in the first stage has approved, the approval request will progress to the second stage and so forth.


To add approvers to a stage, you can search to find the relevant users (or approval role/s - see below for more info) and then tick the checkbox next to their name. Similarly, you can untick a user if you wish to remove them from an approval stage.

You can add multiple approvers or approval roles to a stage if required. Each approver in a stage will receive an approval request at the same time. The first approver to action the request will progress the approval and remove the request for other approvers.

Approver count

Underneath each stage name is a count of how many approvers have been set on that stage. To see which approver have been set, you can tick the Hide unselected checkbox to highlight just the selected users.

Removing a stage

Each stage can be removed easily by clicking the Remove stage link underneath the stage name.

What is an approval role?

When created, Approval roles exist within user groups; and each user group can have a different person assigned to that role. 

For example, you might have an Approval role called 'State Manager'. Each user group will list that role in its settings and can have a user from that group assigned to it. Each user group can therefore have a different person assigned to that role. 

Within the Approval workflow however, you would only need to add the 'State Manager' Approval role to a stage to send to the various people assigned to that role in the respective user group/s.

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