Variable conditional fields (with a single condition/trigger)

When using Variations, you can also vary a conditional field as long as there is only a single trigger in play. This means for simple conditionals similar to the examples below, you can now specify them to be varied and have different settings per variation.

Examples of single trigger conditional fields:

  • Checkbox
    These fields only have a simple on or off state. If only one of those responses are set to trigger an action (e.g. if on, show fields x and y), you will be able to set that switch to be variable.

  • Dropdown with a single option set as a trigger
    A dropdown might be a set of options from a copydeck or from a prescribed list of items (e.g. summer, winter, autumn, spring). If only one of those items in the list is set to trigger an action (e.g. if selection = summer, show fields x and y), you will be able to set that switch to be variable.

Note: Due to complexity factors, if there are multiple triggers for a conditional, the option to vary will not be available .

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