Release Notes: February 2022

28 February 2022


  • We now let approvers know if another approver in the same approval stage has already actioned an approval request.

25 February 2022

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue that meant conditional selector fields were not displaying

24 February 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the upload process for Static PDFs where the order option was not available to select
  • Fixed an issue where the user profile page failed to load if an image or upload field was blank.

22 February 2022


  • Added some styling tweaks to the image cropper interface to make it easier to use
  • Upgraded the asset-service

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue with image or upload fields when used in user particulars that would give an error

21 February 2022


  • Added approval workflows and export checklists to archive templates

17 February 2022


15 February 2022


  • Updated image handling within the cropper to make some speed improvements

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue with how default crops were appearing if no default aspect ratios are set. They now fit within the container fully.

9 February 2022


  • Updated the plugin that powers rich text fields to newer version

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue affecting drafts awaiting approval that remained in the approval queue after being deleted by the author

8 February 2022

New Feature

Custom ratio crop

To make cropping work better with resizable templates where page sizes can vary, and to generally give users more control when required, we've added a new option for the image cropper tool that allows a user to enter a custom aspect ratio. When available, you will see Custom in the list of available options inside the cropper.


  • We've updated the cropper tool to have available aspect ratios selectable by a dropdown menu rather than buttons
  • We've also added the ability to set other available ratios options (other than the original preset options) to be selected in the cropper. These can be set on the image field when creating/updating the template.
  • We've made some performance updates to the renderer to help make some speed improvements to things like Variations

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue where variations that contained image fields were failing to load

7 February 2022

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue with archive templates not displaying a preview image in the preview modal. It now uses the uploaded preview image if available, otherwise uses a placeholder graphic

3 February 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with checkbox fields having a wider than necessary clickable field that could be triggered from a dropdown menu above it
  • Fixed an issue with the create user function that was causing errors

1 February 2022

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue where user groups couldn't have the share group option turned off once it was turned on
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