Release Notes: January 2023

30 January 2023

New Feature

Artwork size descriptors

  • When viewing image artworks or drafts that include variations, we now include the size of the artwork in the description area above each variation.
  • Given each variation on an image template can be set to a different size, this allows you to see at a glance what the artwork size is in any view (single, multiple or even thumbnail)

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue affecting the spacing of tiles in the Create Preset modal when the modal window is resized.

23 January 2023


  • Updated a number of icons in the app - predominantly within the editor. This is a first phase and more will be updated in a future release.

18 January 2023


  • Made some reliability updates to monitor the logging of system events

17 January 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing presets to display the modification date of its parent template rather than the preset itself
  • Fixed an issue affecting Announcements on the dashboard screen, where the action menu to edit an announcement was missing if the announcement contained an image

11 January 2023


  • Updated Dokio logos throughout the app to the latest version
  • Updated video templates to automatically use the background task manager when exporting. It is no longer an option for templates, and only applies to video templates now.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue affecting some archive templates where the default preview icon was missing if a custom preview image wasn't uploaded
  • Fixed an issue with announcements on the dashboard screen where the action menu was overlapping the menu
  • Removed the 'Rendering' section from image template settings as it is not required

9 January 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue where analytic events (eg user activity logs) were being logged, but not being displayed in production
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