Release Notes: August 2023

31 August 2023


  • Field validation errors are now more visible and easily identifiable. Any fields that validate date input into them will now display a red outline and error message beneath the field. Previously it was grey and not clear when something was wrong.

29 August 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue that caused relative anchor links to not work correctly when viewed as part of an email with hosted urls. This included links viewed in browser.

28 August 2023


  • Colour fields now have a new improved look!! We've streamlined the field's design to:
    • display more swatches in less space
    • display colour names as well as hex values
    • allow searching by colour names
  • This updated colour field allows for some other customisable updates which will be coming soon
  • Previous functionality that allowed outline colours and multi-colour swatches to be displayed are no longer supported in this new colour field, but will continue to be supported in the legacy colour field.

25 August 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue caused when duplicating a draft or a completed artwork that was created from a preset, that meant that the originating preset details weren't copied over. This caused some reports to provide incorrect data. This issue was corrected to include retrospective data.

23 August 2023


  • Made some backend changes to stencil fillout forms used to create contacts, copydecks, export checklists, prefills and particulars

21 August 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue with variations where deleting all variations except for one, didn't retain the remaining variation's data.

14 August 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the instructions on user group access in template settings to let users know that any user groups selected will override any campaign settings that may be in operation
  • Fixed the error message that displays (if domain masking is activated) when entering the sender email address when exporting a sendable email from Dokio. We now correctly report the allowed domains as part of the error message
  • Fixed an issue in email drafts that was causing some images to appear as broken or missing in some browsers - mainly Safari and Firefox. In Chrome, the issue was limited to images used as background images in modules.

11 August 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue with long template descriptions causing buttons to disappear on the template preview modal on small screens. Long descriptions now scroll behind the button panel.

10 August 2023

Bug Fix

  • The Add module modal now uses the same title as the button text used to call the modal. When clicking 'Add module' or 'Replace module' the modal will now use the relevant text as the title.

9 August 2023


  • Updated the padding on Create tiles and variation Thumbnails view to make buttons and labelling more clear
  • Templates that were missing icons now use our generic file icon

8 August 2023

New Features

Export copydecks as CSV

Customers who have combined permissions to modify copydecks and generate reports can now download data from copydeck stencils as a CSV file.

Export contacts as CSV

Customers who have combined permissions to modify contacts and generate reports can now download data from contact stencils as a CSV file.

7 August 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue that caused some extra characters to appear in the task manager.

4 August 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue that caused prefill fields to only be visible to users that have permission to modify them.

3 August 2023

New Feature

Export prefill stencils as CSV

Customers who have combined permissions to modify prefills and generate reports can now download data from prefill stencils as a CSV file.


  • Made some optimisation tweaks to streamline how Dokio targets browsers

1 August 2023


  • Made some backend changes to dropdown and dropdown-display fields to make them more robust and consistent with select fields

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue with the recipient selector where searching for a recipient wouldn't always work for some templates
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