Timezone selection

Dokio has been given the gift of time. You’ll now be able to set a centralise Hub timezone and set User profiles with their own individual timezone. Dokio has always worked on a centralised idea of time in that all Dokio hubs worked on the same time base. As users of Dokio have grown across various timezones, we saw it necessary to expand this idea and introduce localised timezones to all hubs. This will apply to all draft/artwork creation dates as well as orders from Dokio.

The timezone feature will apply to all users and suppliers and it paves the way for future integrations such as template scheduling.

Each client hub can have a default timezone set by Dokio staff that applies to all users as a default. On a user level, this default can be overridden if necessary by changing the setting in their user profile. A timezone can be changed at any time if needed as users travel about, to ensure that Dokio is always displaying date and times that are relevant to the user.

Example: ABC Widget’s hub is based in Melbourne – or at least is where a majority of their users are based. Their hub’s default timezone can be set to ‘Melbourne’. Any new users created in the hub will automatically be set to the ‘Melbourne’ timezone. Their hub also has a user based in Auckland, New Zealand who regularly travels to their UK base in London. This user can easily update their timezone in their profile set to reflect their location.

Suppliers can also have their particular timezone added when adding them into the system, or by editing the Supplier details in the Admin section. This will need to be done by an Admin user.

Timezone data set in a user’s profile can also be referenced in templates if you wish it to populate automatically.

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