Release Notes: March 2022

31 March 2022

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue that caused email proofs to fail if there were no links contained within the email

25 March 2022


  • Rebuilt textarea fields to use React
  • Added support for copydeck categories to be updated and renamed

24 March 2022


  • The Template Assistant is now a legacy feature that will not feature on any new hubs. In the coming weeks we will remove the feature from any hubs that currently aren't using it.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue where the ability to select a subcategory was missing from the Create Preset modal in the Admin section.

23 March 2022


  • Upgraded to Node16

22 March 2022

New Feature

Delete completed artworks

Completed artworks can now be deleted! Provided the artwork is not an order sent to a supplier or an email sent to recipients, an artwork you have created can be deleted (and restored if required).

18 March 2022

New Feature

Preset Categories

Presets can now be assigned categories and subcategories to help management and ease of navigation. Preset categories share the same category sets as templates but can be assigned independently, meaning a preset can exist in a different category to the originating template.

17 March 2022


  • Added support in the renderer for sizes with suffixes

16 March 2022


  • We've made updates to how filenames are handled within the system to ensure that uploaded files will be more widely accepted regardless of what characters are used in the name. Previously we had occasional issues with uploaded images with filenames containing non-alphanumeric characters not displaying correctly.

15 March 2022


  • Rich text fields (using React) have been restored after addressing some issues

11 March 2022


  • By default, when exporting an image template, all variations will now get bundled together inside a single folder and the filename of each image will use the variation name instead of 'image' to make it easier to identify each variation.

10 March 2022


  • Added email verification to email inputs for User and Supplier edit screens to detect when an input email address is invalid and prevent it from being saved

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with some orders sending multiple times if the recipient email address was invalid
  • Fixed an issue were some emails containing image partials which were hosted by Dokio were not uploading correctly

8 March 2022

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue where setting approval workflows and/or export checklists onto video templates was resulting in the changes not saving.

3 March 2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with reordering modules within a module group failing, when one of the  modules contains a varied field
  • Fixed an issue where an export checklist workflow would skip if the artwork triggered an approval workflow

2 March 2022


  • Updated richtext fields to user React. Also updated field validation to prevent entering beyond the specified limit.

1 March 2022


  • We have added the ability to edit copydeck categories in context. For users with permission to edit, you will see an action menu appear to the right of the categories to allow you to edit.
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