Template Presets

What is a template preset?

Put simply, a template preset is a subset of a template master that can be configured by specific users to display different default data configurations to users. So, one template master may have many different presets created from it, each presenting different content to users to suit a different need or intent. You can think of a preset as essentially being a starting point to make creating artworks faster and simpler, speeding up time to market.

The benefit of presets is that they don't require any development or input from Dokio staff to create. They can be easily created by your team, in your time, at no extra cost.

Any customisable template can have presets created from them.

How do presets work?

Because individual presets can been configured differently for different usage requirements, it means less time spent customising artworks each time you create a draft.  

Once a preset has been created and configured, it will be available to selected users to choose from on the Create screen. Presets can be also be categorised for easy navigation. Creating a draft from a preset is no different to a regular template. 

Benefits of presets

  • Create more templates with specific usage intent to reduce the time creating and customising artworks
  • Admin users can easily create and manage their own presets
  • Presets can be managed with categories and subcategories to make them easy to navigate
  • Less reliance on Dokio template developers and additional costs to get new templates into the system
  • Less template maintenance as template code updates will be inherited from parent templates
  • Get communications into market even faster

Who can use Presets

Presets, like templates, are predominantly controlled by user group access. User groups can be assigned to create a preset, manage a preset or to view a preset.

Any user that can create a draft artwork can use a preset that is made available to them via user groups to create a new artwork. The process is very much the same as creating a draft from a regular template.

Users that have been assigned management access will be able to manage settings for presets they have access to via the Admin / Templates / Presets section. 

Select user groups can also be granted access to creating presets from specific templates. This is set in the template settings for each template. These users will also need to have access to modify templates (set in Access Levels).

How do I get presets on my hub?

Presets are available on all hubs. Each template that you wish to create a Preset from needs the relevant settings applied to begin making presets.

Creating a draft from a Preset

Any presets available to  you will be available to select from the Create screen. For detailed information on how to use Presets, please refer to this article

Creating a Preset

Only specific user groups that have been granted permission to create and/or manage presets from specific templates can create presets.

For detailed information on how to create new Presets, please refer to this article.

Publishing & Unpublishing a preset

This simply determines whether a preset is live or not. A preset can be set ahead of time to be visible to selected user groups, but unless it has been published it will not be visible to any users. This is handy for preparing and testing presets before they become available to users. 

For detailed information about publishing and unpublishing, please refer to this article.

Preset management

All of the management of presets can be done from the Preset’s view screen. This can be accessed by clicking the Preset’s name on the Admin / Templates / Presets screen

  • Edit settings
    At the top of the screen you can click the Edit settings button to edit any of the available settings. Some settings will be inherited automatically from the parent template, but for settings like categories and subcategories, you can assign them per preset alongside updating visibility controls.
  • Create new update
    This allows the user to create a new draft of an update to the current preset
  • Update history
    This section will display the history of all updates to this preset. Each history item will have options available to select:
    • Draft - this is an in-progress state of a preset and is not live to users. A preset will be in draft state whilst it is being configured until the Update preset button is clicked within the preset editor.
    • Version - whenever a preset is updated (or finalised), a new version is created. If the preset is published, this is the state that would be visible to users. The current active version will always be the latest version, which will also display (current) in its name. Clicking the version title will allow you to view the preset in a read-only state.
    • Edit a draft preset - clicking the draft title will take you to the preset editor to make changes to the preset draft
    • Delete - available only on draft updates, this allows the user to delete a draft update
    • Rollback to here - available on previous versions, this allows the version to be rolled back to the selected version.
    • Out of Date badge - any draft that was created before the current preset version was updated will be considered to be out of date. You can still update a preset from an out of date draft, but as it is based on an older version, some recent updates to the current preset may be lost.
  • Apply preset update
    From within the preset editor, this button will adopt the current draft settings as the new update version
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