Presets - Manage a Preset

In order to manage a Preset, you need to have the relevant permission set. Permission can be granted by either: 

  • Access level (for Super Admins) to create, modify or remove any template presets
  • Management rights on a specific Preset (for most users)
    Each Preset has an Access control section to assign management rights 

Note: These instructions cover updating Preset details and Access controls.
If you are looking to update the Preset version, see this article instead.



Under Admin / Templates / Presets you will see a list of Presets you have access to. Select the Preset you want to manage


The Preset view screen will open showing details about the Preset. If you have been set management rights, you will see some edit options available


To change Preset settings, select the Edit settings button. Alternatively, you can click the specific Edit settings button in the section you wish to edit. This will take you into Edit mode.


Once in Edit mode, you can change the name of the Preset by updating the Name field.


You edit which user groups can manage the Preset by updating the Manager user groups section.

Note: you can only select user groups that the main template is also a part of.


You edit which user groups can see the Preset by updating the Standard user groups section.

Note: you can only select user groups that the main template is also a part of.


You edit which categories and subcategories are applied to the preset to help users locate the preset.


Click Update preset button to apply the changes.

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