Completed artworks - Delete or restore an artwork

Provided your artwork is not an order sent to a supplier, or an email sent to recipients, you are able to delete them from your Completed Items list.

Deleting your artworks allows you to keep your Completed Items list up to date and prevent any new artworks from being created from older artworks that may be out of date.

For tracking and historical purposes we don't allow orders and sent emails to be deleted. This feature is limited to downloadable artworks only.

For security purposes, when an artwork is deleted, you can only view it. You can no longer export it or create a new draft from it.

Who can delete my artworks?

Only the person who created an artwork can delete it. If an admin person has created an artwork for you, both you and the admin will be able to delete that artwork. But no one else will be able to delete your artworks.

What if I accidentally delete an artwork?

Anything deleted from your Completed Items list is sent to a Deleted filter, so you can still reference them at any time, by clicking on the Deleted filter inside Completed Items to display them. Any deleted artwork can easily be restored if required, by clicking on the action menu and selecting Restore. Once restored, you can interact with the artwork as normal.

Instructions to delete an artwork

  1. Navigate to Completed in the top menu

  2. Locate the completed artwork you want to delete

  3. Click the 3-dot action menu either on the artwork item in the list or inside the artwork itself

  4. Select Delete

Instructions to restore an artwork

  1. Navigate to Completed in the top menu

  2. Click on the Deleted filter and locate the completed artwork you want to delete

  3. Click the 3-dot action menu either on the artwork item in the list or inside the artwork itself

  4. Select Restore
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