Drafts - Completing a draft

Whilst editing your artwork, it is considered a Draft. Once the draft is completed and exported, it is considered a Completed Artwork. A draft is finalised by clicking the Export button at the bottom of the draft. Depending to the type of template that created the draft, there may be a number of different export options available to select from in order to complete the artwork.

Export descriptions

Each export option will feature a small automated description that will briefly detail the output. Some options may not be available if not configured correctly. These options will appear greyed out with some information about why it is not available.

Types of export options:

  • Order from a supplier
    • This option is only available for PDF templates for hubs that have supplier ordering configured
    • The description will display what you are ordering and from whom
  • Download artwork
    • This option is available for all template types
    • The description will display what the output type is and what settings (if available) have been applied
  • Upload artwork to an integration
    • Availability of this option for a template type will depend on the integration (eg Salesforce Marketing Cloud is only for email templates)
    • The description will display what the output type is and what settings (if available) have been applied
  • Send email from Dokio
    • Available only for email templates on hubs that have email sending configured

Instructions for completing a draft

  1. Fill out your draft with all the necessary content

  2. Click the Export button at the bottom

  3. If multiple export options are available, you will be presented with a screen to select an export option.

    Note: some options may trigger an approval process

  4. Select your required export choice and click the Next button

  5. If your export option has any other details to enter, you will be required to enter that data now. For example, sending an email from Dokio might require you to enter recipient details etc. Click Next button when finished.

  6. Review and confirm. Before export is completed, you should review the artwork and make sure it is ok. If you need to make any changes, you can click back on that stage and make any relevant changes, or click Continue editing at the top to make any artwork changes required.

    If everything is ok, click the Prepare export button at the bottom. If the export is due to go through approval, the button will say Submit for approval instead.

  7. The draft is now complete. If there is no approval required, you will have been directed to the artwork screen, which can be found in the Completed Items section.

    From here you can:

    • (Order) View the order and supplier details
    • (Download) Download the artwork
    • (Email send) Send the email
    • (Integration upload) View the transfer status / View files in integration
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