Completed artworks - Artwork details

When viewing a complete artwork, every completed artwork will display some common details relating to the artwork. These details include:

  • Artwork ID
  • Template ID + version number + template type
  • Created by + Creation date
  • Export type (option selected at export)

Depending on the type of artwork it is, other details will also be displayed relevant to that artwork:

Order details

Although Dokio doesn't track orders specifically, these details contain the supplier contact details for where your order was sent to, for your reference.

  • Order details
    • Order ID
    • Format
    • Item (pricelist)
    • Quantity
    • Cost
    • Status
  • Supplier
    • Supplier name
    • Email
    • Contact notes
  • Delivery
    • Delivery notes

Downloadable details

(includes PDF, image, video and email artworks)

  • Format
  • Status

Sendable email details

  • Send details
    • Sender
    • Sender email
    • Status
    • Recipients
    • Sent date
  • Sent/Pending
  • Recipients detail

Hosted artwork details

  • Format
  • Status
  • Hosted URL
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