Using Artwork Variations

To help you navigate and use Dokio’s Variations feature, we’ve compiled some handy tips and instructions below.

In this Article

Turning on Variations for a template

To switch Variations on for a template, you will need Admin access to modify templates. If you can edit a template's setting, you can make this change.


In the template's settings, click the Edit settings button.


Under the Basics section there is a checkbox to Allow variations. Ensure this is checked on, and that is it!

Using the Variations toolbar

The Variations toolbar is located at the top right of the editor window if the parent template has Variations enabled. This toolbar contains the main controls to create new variations aw well as switching variation views.

Find out more about the Variations Toolbar feature.

Create a Variation

If Variations have been enabled on a template, you will see a button on the top right of the editor window that will allow you create a new Variation.

Note: Variations currently need to be set up on a template by Dokio. Please speak to your Account Manager or Dokio Support if you wish to use this feature.

To create a new Variation, follow these steps:


Edit the relevant fields to set what will eventually become shared fields (i.e. common content used across all variations)


Click the 'Create new Variation' button


In the modal you will be asked for some details about the Variation/s.

Note: If you are creating the first Variation in a draft, you will be asked to define both the first and second variation. The first variation will be the one that was active when the draft was first created.


Type in a name for the Variation


Enter the appropriate Variation Criteria (if available)


Enter a Criteria Value (if available)


Click 'Save' or 'Next' (if defining the current Variation)

Edit Shared Fields

Shared Fields are common fields to all Variations, therefore any data entered into a shared field will appear in all Variations.

Tip: You can tell if you are viewing Shared Fields because the Variations panel in the fields editor will say ‘Shared fields’. The artwork preview will also switch to the Multi-Variant view and you will be presented with multiple variation previews.

There are a number of ways to access Shared Fields…

  • Click the Multi-Variant view button on the Variations Toolbar on the right hand side of the editor window, or
  • Cycle left through the Variations from the Variations panel in the fields editor. The Shared Fields will be the left-most option. The panel will say ‘Shared Fields’, or
  • From within a particular Variation, there will be a message appearing above the fields containing a link to Shared Fields.

Specify and edit varied fields

Any field that you want to change to be different on each Variation will need to turned into a varied field. A varied field can be any field either inside or outside of a module.

Once a Variation has been created, hovering over any field will display a small icon to the left of the field. This icon has various states to let the user know the status of the field.

Tip: Hovering and holding over the Variations icon will display a tooltip to advise the current status of the field.

To vary a field:


Make sure you are viewing Shared Fields


Click the Variations icon on the left of the field to toggle the field between Shared (normal) and varied state


When a field is varied:

  • the Variations icon appears dark grey and will remain visible at all times
  • The field may appear greyed out with the words varied
  • The field can only be edited within each Variation (i.e.not within Shared Fields)
  • Only varied fields will appear within Single Variant view

Specific fields within a module can also be varied. These can be edited the same as above. In this case, the entire module will appear within both Shared Fields and the Single Variant view. The difference being, in the Single Variant view, only the varied fields will be displayed.

Switching between Variations will allow you to set the fields specific to that Variation.

Remove a varied field

A varied field can be toggled off at any time from the Shared Fields. If a field is varied, clicking the Variations icon to the left of the field will toggle it off.

When a varied field is toggled off:

  • the field returns to being a shared field
  • the Variations icon appears light grey and only displays whilst hovering over the field
  • The field becomes active and editable
  • The field can only be edited within Shared Fields

Switching between Variations

Once Variations have been created, you can cycle through different Variations by using the navigation arrows within the Variations panel in the fields editor.

Tip: the left-most option will automatically switch to the Multi-Variant view and display the Shared Fields.

Quick switching

If you have lots of Variations, you can also use the Quick Switch feature to quickly jump to a particular variation. By hovering the mouse over the Variations panel, a dropdown menu appears and you can click to select a different variation (or Shared fields) with a simple click.

Edit a Variation’s settings

You can edit a Variation’s settings at any time. Depending on the view you are currently in, the process is slightly different…

In Single Variant view:


Click the kebab menu above the Variation preview


Select Edit Variation from the options menu


Edit the relevant options in the modal window

In Multi-Variant view:


Hover over the Variation preview to be edited


Click the kebab menu that appears above the Variation preview


Select Edit Variation from the options menu

Delete a Variation

Variations can be removed at any time. Depending on the variation view you are currently in, the process is slightly different…

In Single Variant view:


Click the kebab menu above the Variation preview


Select  Delete Variation from the options menu


Confirm the deletion in the modal popup

In Multi-Variant view:


Hover over the Variation preview to be deleted


Click the kebab menu that appears above the Variation preview


Select Delete Variation from the options menu


Confirm the deletion in the modal popup

Removing the last Variation

If you are down to two Variations and you remove one of them, you will be removing the last Variation. As such, you will also be removing all Variations and any varied fields, leaving you with just a single artwork.

Dokio will confirm this with you and ask if you wish to continue, as this action will not be able to be undone.

If you choose to remove the last Variation, the Shared fields entries will be merged with the varied field entries from the last remaining variation, to populate the artwork. Editing will be the same as a regular draft that doesn't contain Variations.

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