Users - View page

For admin users who have access to managing users on a hub, there is a two-step process to editing a user's details. Clicking on a user in the Admin / Users screen will display a read-only overview page of that user's settings for easy review and oversight. This is both a security measure to minimise accidental changes, and a way to speed up the onboarding of users into the system.

Faster onboarding

Once a new user has been created in the system, you will be taken directly to the View screen to review the settings. From here, you can also send a welcome email with simple click of a button.

Activity banner

At the top of the user's details in the View screen is a banner that will give a quick update of the user's activity. It will let you know at a glance:

  • if the user has been sent a welcome email previously
  • how long ago the user was last active
  • if the user has configured for SSO login (only if they are)
  • if the user has been deactivated (and by whom)

User status

On the right side of the Details section, is the user's status. This will advise whether a user's account is:

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Locked
  • Suspended

If an account is set as Inactive, Locked or Suspended, there may be a Status reason appearing below to give more context to why the status has been applied.

Editing a user

Clicking the Edit settings button will take you to the edit screen to make changes to the user's profile. Once edited, you will be returned to the View screen to review.

Mission control

Appears at the bottom of the user's details on the View page, this section provides quick access to actions like changing the user's status (active/deactive), or sending/resending a welcome email. 

In some cases, the login status banner at the top will also contain a button to send the user a welcome email if they haven't been sent one already. If the user has been deactivated, it will also display a button to reactivate them.

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