Create a resource folder

To create and manage Resource folders, you need to have access level permission to 'Modify resources'.

Folders can be easily created at a single level, but can also be nested. Instructions for both are below.

Instructions for adding Resource folders

  1. Click into Resources menu at the top of the screen

  2. Click the Edit folders button to take you to the Folders screen

  3. If there are any existing folders, they will be listed as a series of modules. You can click on a folder name to edit.

  4. To add a new folder, click the New folder link to add a new folder

  5. Give the new folder a name

  6. Click the Update folders button to save the folders.

Instructions for nesting folders

  1. Follow up to step 3 above.

  2. If you wish to nest inside a current folder, you will need to edit the folder name of the existing folder to add a backslash after the current name and then type the name of the subfolder. You can nest as many deep as you require using this method.

    For example if you wish to nest 3 folders deep, you can type the following (replacing 'Folder' 'Subfolder' etc with whatever you want to call them):

    Existing Folder \ Subfolder \ Sub-subfolder

  3. If you wish to create an entirely new folder, click the New folder link to first create a new folder. Type in the name of your main folder followed by a backslash and then the name of the subfolder. You can nest as many deep as you require using this method.

    For example:

    New folder \ Subfolder \ Sub-subfolder

Adding Resources to Folders

  1. Click on the action menu of the Resource you wish to edit and select Edit

  2. In the Library location field, select the folder (or nested folder) you wish to add the Resource to

  3. Ensure all the other Resource details are correct and then click Update resource button to apply the change.
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