Resources - adding a new resource

Resources are files that can be stored on your hub to be shared with different user groups for downloading or accessing via upload fields in draft artworks.

Below are instructions for adding a new resource to the system.

Only users with admin rights can apply the following steps.    



Navigate to the Resources section in the top menu


Click the  Create new resource button


Enter the name of the resource into the Resource name field. You can also optionally add a description into the Description field too.


Select the folder that the resource needs to added to from the Folder dropdown menu.


A resource can either be a file or a web link.

If your resource is a file, you can upload it into the File upload field.

If your resource is a web link, add the url into the Link field instead and skip forward to to step 7. 


If your resource is an image file (JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG etc), Dokio will automatically generate a preview. For other files such as PDFs or ZIP archives you may wish to upload a preview image (JPG or PNG format) into the Thumbnail field.


IMPORTANT - Ensure you configure the correct user groups to have access. If your user group/s are not selected, you won't be able to see or edit the resource once it has been saved.


Click Create resource button to save.

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