Template settings

The template settings screen is where where admin users can view and edit a template's main visibility and access settings. These settings control things like, template naming and description, who can see and use the template, approval settings, as well as some specific proofing and export settings.

It is also where things like Preset creation permissions are set to determine whether presets can be created from the template or not.

View screen

When clicking on a template in the Admin / Templates section, you will be taken to the template's view settings screen where you can all the settings that have been applied to that particular template as well as a thumbnail preview. Note that each template type (eg Email, vs PDF vs Image etc) may have different settings available to them.

On this screen you can safely view all settings without changing any details.

Edit settings screen

Each section that contains an editable option will now feature an ‘Edit’ link that will take you to that section on the edit page to make the relevant changes. This is where changes to the template's settings can be made.

There is also an Edit settings button at the top of the screen which will take you to the Edit screen (not to a specific section).

Each section explained…


Contains basic template identification details, including:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Description
  • Created date
  • ID
  • Allow variations / variation criteria
  • Version (including date last updated)


This section will vary for each template type. It contains any specific information relating to the particular template type. Common details include dimensions and page count. For emails, there are many options relating to sending emails.


Any settings that relate to who can see a template is found here. These include things such as:

  • Status
  • Campaign scheduling
  • User groups
  • Categories


This is where all settings related to Presets created from this template can be set.

  • Preset options when creating artworks
  • Who can create presets from this template
  • Whether approval for preset updates are required


Options to determine whether PDF proofs can be generated during drafts or approvals


Any settings or information that relate to the template's content can be found here.

  • Approval (content override)
  • Copydecks

Export (Orderable)

If a template is set to be orderable, this section will display. It contains any settings that relate specifically to ordering, including:

  • Approval
  • Export checklist
  • Pricelist
  • Pricelist collection
  • Supplier type
  • Export settings


For all other export options, there will be a section that will appear for it. Each will contain specific information relating to:

  • Approval
  • Export checklist
  • Export settings
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