Presets - Update approvals

Preset update approvals are a way of ensuring that any template presets that are created or updated by a user have passed through an approved approval workflow before going live to other users.

This feature, like any approval setting in Dokio, is an optional requirement that can be set on a template's settings. When a preset update approval is set on a template, any preset created from that template will be forced to go through that approval process before the preset is updated to the next version

What happens when a preset update goes for approval?

When a preset is sent for approval, the relevant approvers will receive an email notification. From there, they can access the approval request (or via their Approvals tab) to approve, reject and/or leave comment on the request.

The preset update draft will be be flagged in the Preset's Update History section as 'Awaiting approval'.

When a preset update is approved, the preset version will be updated, and become the current version.

Does it matter if my preset is published or not?

In short, no. A preset can be either published or unpublished when it goes for an update approval.

How to enable update approvals on a Preset?

Please see this article for step-by-step instructions

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