Image cropping - custom ratio

This option when available in the image cropper, allows a user to enter a width and a height value to constrain the cropper to that ratio when cropping.

This is useful where the image size may need to vary (as in a resizable template perhaps) or you need to have greater control over the exact proportions - rather than just using a free crop option, where you are just guessing.

When using the custom ratio option, you may enter the exact numerical dimensions (minus the unit type eg mm or px etc). Or if you know the simplified aspect ratio, you can also enter that.

Some examples:

You have an email header that you know is 600px wide and 200px high.
The custom ratio can be entered as either of the below and they will give the same result:

  •  width: 600 / height: 200
  • width: 3 / height: 1

You have an A4 document that you need a full page background image for. This document also requires 5mm bleed so it can be printed. The dimensions of A4 are 210mm wide and 297mm high. Add the bleed to all edges and you have a total size of 220mm wide and 307mm high. This can be expressed in the custom ratio as:

  • width: 220 / height: 307
    This also happens to be the simplest aspect ratio 

How do I get this option on my template?

If free crop is an allowed crop selection, the custom ratio option will automatically be available as an option for that extra fine-grain control over aspect ratio. The custom ratio option can also be added to the list of allowed ratios in the individual template. Speak to your Dokio Account Manager or Dokio Support. 

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