Presets - Editing someone else's preset draft

When creating a Preset, a draft preset can be edited by anyone who has creator or manager access for that preset.

This means that a preset may have multiple draft presets in progress created by a number of different users. Rather than creating a new draft preset every time, it is advantageous to be able to edit someone else's draft and collaborate on the preset being created.

To make it clearer that you are about to edit someone else's draft and in turn, assign it to yourself to begin editing, we have added some checks to let you know if: 

  1. the draft belongs to someone else
  2. when they last edited it
  3. the preset draft is currently being edited

A warning alert will pop up advising of the above and give you the opportunity to proceed assigning the draft to yourself or cancel and return to the preset settings screen.

When a preset draft has been reassigned to a different user, their name will appear next to the draft in the Update history section of the preset's settings.

What happens if my preset draft is no longer assigned to me?

A preset draft can be reassigned as many times as it needs to be. If you are in the process of editing a preset draft and someone else takes over editing, you will receive an alert notification on screen that this has occurred, and who the user is who has taken over.

You will be given the option of continuing the draft or exiting the draft.

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