Release Notes: May 2023

31 May 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue that caused some SVG files to not generate a preview when uploading to the system.

29 May 2023


  • Copydeck fields have been rebuilt behind the scenes and now inherit the improvements we added to select fields recently. They now display more items in the dropdown menu and the menu will open either to the top or bottom depending on where the field appears on the screen.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with timezone fields in user profiles causing a 500 error if there was no default value set for it

25 May 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Emphasis button in rich text fields were displaying the incorrect icon
  • Fixed an issue with some rich text formatting buttons not changing state when selected and another character style was already set. Note: this bug did not affect the actual formatting being applied.

19 May 2023


  • We have widened the editor panel and made some styling updates to increase the field content area. This will allow more room for nested modules and the fields contained within, as well as some more space for rich text fields.
  • The (none) option for dropdown fields has been restored. We had previously replaced that function with a 'clear' button, but was proving confusing for some users.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with rich text fields inside modules that was hiding some formatting buttons. This was more noticeable within nested modules
  • Fixed an issue when renaming a variation in single variation view that would return the user to the last variation instead of the one they were working on

18 May 2023


  • We have added some upper limits to file size for images uploaded to Dokio. We have seen some performance issues arise after some very large images have been uploaded to Dokio - usually with, but not limited to with PNG files. These new limits will prevent images over that size from being uploaded to Dokio. The new limits are:
    • JPEG - 100 megapixels
    • PNG - 30 megapixels
    • GIF - 4 meagapixels

For more information regarding this update, see this article

17 May 2023


  • Email templates containing variations can no longer select an export option with hosted assets. This export option is not compatible with variations and will now be greyed out

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue where if a preview asset was missing it would cause a 500 error

11 May 2023


  • The Terms and Conditions feature is now known as User Agreements
  • Assigning user groups to a User Agreement is now done on the actual User Agreement and not on the User Group as it was previously
  • The interface for User Agreements has been improved to make it clearer to preview and update
  • The Edit screen for Approval Workflows now display what templates or presets use that particular workflow to make it clearer which things will be impacted by changes made to the workflow

10 May 2023


  • The option to 'Hide recent resources on dashboard' has been deprecated. The Recent resources section on the dashboard is now active for all users that have Resources made available to them.

5 May 2023


  • The Resource selector feature is now available for use on all hubs. When editing a draft that allows image uploads, the Resource selector will be available to select images that have been uploaded to the Resources section.
  • The multi-picker device now has an 'unavailable' state added to it for some future functionality.

4 May 2023

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue with preset descriptions displaying the template description if left blank. Users reported inconsistencies in how descriptions were displaying across Presets.

3 May 2023


  • Updated Action menus on small tiles to use the newer icon button styling. This update means that the action menu will be easier to see and interact with no matter the content that appears underneath them

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some image fields weren't automatically applying the default crop correctly
  • Fixed an issue with the User activity table in the Admin section was showing a 500 error

2 May 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Role Types causing 500 errors if they contained blank titles. They can no longer be blank.
  • Fixed an issue with filtering not remembering your filter choice after an Admin table has been sorted by a different column.

1 May 2023


  • Added support for Dokio templates to be able to output templates for other systems with similar syntax. For example, an email template can be output containing placeholders for variable data - eg {{placeholder-name}} to be input into an email marketing platform.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed an issue where Template Reports for both video and image templates were missing approval workflow information
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