Completed artworks - Copy to a new draft

This feature clones the selected completed artwork to a new draft (including its contents) ready for you to make updates to. It saves time recreating artworks that have already been created

Importantly, it also updates data from the current template (which may have since been updated or had bug fixes applied to it), so some things may have changed due to those differences. If this is the case, Dokio will do it's best to inform you of what may have changed in order for you to review.


  1. From the top menu, select 'Completed'

  2. Scroll through and click the artwork that you want to work with

  3. To the right of the top panel, click the action menu (3 dots)

  4. Select 'Copy to new draft'

For user admins who are eligible to create drafts on behalf of other users, a modal window will pop up for you to select if the draft is to be created for yourself or someone else in the dropdown menu. Once you select who the draft is for, click 'Proceed'.

Dokio will take you to your newly created draft. 

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