Image field preview modal

Image fields open a preview modal that allows you to upload and review an image before applying it to your artwork. This gives you greater peace of mind that the image being uploaded is of sufficient quality and makes for more precise editing.

The image preview modal will open automatically when you click on an image upload field, or if you drag an image onto an image upload field to upload it (when editing a draft). The preview modal can be accessed at any time by clicking on an image field to upload an image, review an uploaded image or to make further adjustments to an uploaded image.

What can I do in the image preview modal?

First and foremost, the modal displays a large preview of the image and some key details about the image including things like:

  • File type
  • File name
  • Image size

The toolbar

The modal also features a toolbar with some handy features to help you get the right image. These features include:


This button opens up Dokio's Image cropper feature. Inside the image cropper, you can adjust or reset a crop.


This button will allow you to upload an image. Alternatively, if you already have an image uploaded, you can use the upload button to replace the current image with another one.


This button will clear the uploaded image.

As Dokio evolves, the options available in this toolbar will grow.

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