Templates - Email

Email templates are a customisable template type used to create email artworks.

This template type can be used to create downloadable emails or emails that can be sent directly from Dokio. They are generally built in a modular structure that allows content to be easily moved around or switched in/out.

Downloadable emails are useful for uploading into your preferred email campaign service to be sent out via your subscription mailing lists. They also allow you to take advantage of some of Dokio's tools for working at scale, like using artwork variations.

Emails can also be sent directly from Dokio to recipients from a Contact list or ad hoc. This is useful for direct communication with your customers.

Please note: as Dokio does not manage subscription lists, we recommend creating downloadable emails and uploading to a dedicated email marketing service to manage subscriptions.

Email is a flexible template type that supports a number of Dokio's key features, including:

  • modules
  • artwork variations
  • template presets
  • campaign scheduling
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